Sunday, January 5, 2020

Twinkle, Little Star - 1512 Words

Twinkle, Little Star Entwined within two poems, one titled Bright Star and authored by John Keats, the other called Choose Something Like a Star penned by Mr. Robert Frost, emerges the similar theme of the human need for stability and sense of permanence. Although varied in literary devices, sub themes, and structure the like poems strongly convey this common ideal and do so with the powerful icon of the star, or the heavens. The star historically represents the eternalness of the heavens and the unattainable by human beings. Initially, Keats establishes the immediacy of his words in speaking directly to the star in question. The use of apostrophe in the very opening line, as Mr. Keats addresses the star, Â…would I were steadfast as†¦show more content†¦All of the above mentioned words are instructive and bland in reference to human emotion. Rather than wanting the unrealistic fortune of being the eternal star itself, Frost suggests knowing the secrets of its longevity i s of a more comprehendible nature. Accessing word choice and tones are not the only methods Frost and Keats use to align meaning in their work. Structure and movement are also woven masterfully in to guide a path from entertaining prose, to ultimate meaning. Easily the most obvious difference in style is that Bright Star is a Shakespearean sonnet. Fourteen lines in all and constructed with an (ABAB CDCD EFEF GG) rhyme scheme, the piece is armed with words and ideas of dream-like wishes and unreachable odds. Comparatively, Choose Something Like a Star follows a disjointed rhyme scheme and is categorized into no particular style of poem, equipped with 25 lines. Generally, the piece follows a mimicked system to that of Keats modeled by an (AABA AA CBCB) rhyme scheme; however it does include several couplets lodged about (hence, the AA). While a rhyme scheme incorporated at all always implicates a natural movement, it can also work reversely to create a more matter-of-fact approach to p rose. Specifically, Robert Frosts disorderly schemes remove the romantic effect of flow seen in Keats poem. It is not, essentially, as ‘nice to read nor as easy to maneuver. Keats steady pentameter reemphasizes the dreamlike essence that is so vividlyShow MoreRelatedRole of Music in My Life1518 Words   |  7 Pagesat kindergarten. I do a lot of performance that are related with music when I’m in my school age and I really enjoy it. I can say that music has become part of my life. Even in kindergarten, I had been taught by music such as ABC’s song, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Happy Birthday song, If You Are Happy and others. There are so many different categories and genres of music such as ballad, rock, Jazz, hip hop, pop, techno and others. 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