Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Nature of Man Dbq Essays - 616 Words

Spencer Erjavec September 04, 2011 3rd Period AP Euro Views of the Nature of Men During the time of the Renaissance, the nature of man, in Europe, went through a rebirth. The idea that the nature of man is unique upon the person was established. The core basis of all men is not the same. Different men are comprised of various types of talents, and not every person has the exact same talents. In addition, human beings strive to live their lives a certain way, which is usually different from their neighbor. Every human being is born differently. Not every man is born evil, as suggested by Machiavelli. He believed that every man was ungrateful, deceitful, and avoided danger in search of his personal gain, (Doc. 1). He may have been†¦show more content†¦All men strive to live their lives on what they think is appropriate. Some men want to become politicians, clergy, or even bankers. Franseco Petrarch, an Italian scholar, wanted to live an ordinary life. He was content and happy living plainly and not lavishly. He just enjoyed being in good company, (Doc 5). Nicholas Copoernicus, wanted to live his life on how God wanted him to. He would rather live in an orthodox manner, which is how people had been living in the Middle Ages, (Doc 6). Although both men did not want to live differently than most people, they still held their own personal opinion on how they wanted to live. They could of chosen to live extravagant lives and to be powerful men, but it was their chose to be common men. In this way, they show that human nature is unique in how individuals choose to live their lives. The view of the nature of man had changed significantly, in the Renaissance, since the time of the Middle Ages. Each man was now unique and completely different from his neighbor. Every man’s personality and personas were special to the individual. Men were composed of different amounts and types of talents. Some were great at science, some art, or others engineering. Man’s view on how they wanted to live their lives was also completely opposite then their fellow man. Overall, the nature of man became that of being their own human being and not be exactly the same as the person nextShow MoreRelatedJust Whatever1974 Words   |  8 PagesA P European History Test Prep DBQ Free Response Questions For DBQ’s Always: 1. Provide an appropriate, explicitly stated thesis that directly addresses all parts of the question and does NOT simply restate the question. 2. Discuss a majority of the documents individually and specifically. 3. Demonstrate understanding of the basic meaning of a majority of the documents. 4. Support the thesis with appropriate interpretations of a majority of the documents. 5. 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